For the best 11 mile training run I can remember.
First, I would like to thank the weather. I almost forgot what it was like to run when the heat index isn't over 90 degrees before 8 am.
My quads would like to thank the hills. Without you I would not have been reminded that not all landscapes are as flat as Florida - and neither is the Brooklyn Bridge.
To the other vacationing runners of Menorca - thank you for acknowleging and waving back to my friendly smiles and American "buenos dias." I know it is not a part of your culture to speak to strangers that pass by.
And finally, the most important thank you goes out to the spaniard´s ipod. Fully loaded with old school Madonna and Michael Jackson. Without "Like a Prayer" and "Man in the Mirror" during mile 7 and 9, this morning´s run would not have been possible. Thank you Madonna - Thank you Michael.